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Which training to work in digital in France?

métiers du digital

In recent years, the digital sector has experienced unprecedented growth. This dynamic, boosted by the large-scale digitization of the business world, has created a crying need for specialized executives. But how can you take advantage of the tremendous job opportunities offered by digital technology? And what are the courses to follow after high school in … Lire plus

Employment: these 3 work-study programs are a hit!

S'orienter vers des formations en alternance

A real springboard to employment, work-study programs are becoming increasingly popular. Combining theoretical learning and work in a company, it offers students an interesting professional integration that boosts their employability over time. The latest official figures provided by the Ministry of Education indicate that there were 448,000 apprentices as of December 31, 2018, including 180,000 … Lire plus

How to become a journalist in France

Le bureau d'un journaliste

The profession of journalism consists of researching and transmitting information in a neutral manner. This profession encompasses different media, namely television, radio, press and the web. To practice this profession requires a deep general culture and an exceptional quality of writing. Fortunately, there are different ways to train to become the profile of the typical … Lire plus

Focus on 4 communication jobs in France

Les réseaux sociaux, le quotidien du community manager

The role of communication professionals is to enhance the image of brands to different audiences. Nowadays, more and more companies are turning to them to develop their projects, because taking care of the image has become as important as selling products. Thus, to appeal to those who are able to meet these needs, the most … Lire plus

The job of sales manager in France

Un responsable commercial en exercice

The job of a sales manager consists of proposing to the management of a company different strategies for the development of its products, the objective of which is to increase its turnover. He/she must also set sales objectives and act as an intermediary between the operational units and the General Management. To do this, he/she … Lire plus

Digital professions that are recruiting in France

Le trafic manager, l'un des nombreux métiers du numérique qui recrute en 2019

The digital sector is expanding, this is due to the digitalization that affects companies. As a result, new training courses are emerging for innovative jobs that are gradually taking hold. Digital is one of the fields that recruits the most, and this, on an international scale. Thus, from these digital transitions, new professions influence technologies, … Lire plus

What is an MBA?

un chapeau lors d'une remise des diplomes MBA

MBA (Master of Business Administration), this training aims to provide numerous skills in management, then a global vision of the company. It prepares candidates for management positions or helps them create their own company. The MBA has established itself as a key to success in terms of professionalization. Indeed, it is a career gas pedal … Lire plus

The project manager’s job: responsibilities and skills in France

Le métier de chef de projet

Project management involves setting project objectives, establishing tasks and a timetable for execution by the parties involved, evaluating progress and making adjustments to ensure that clients, whether internal or external, are getting the desired results. In fact, it is a job similar to the BTS Management of Commercial Units (MUC) which is used to evaluate … Lire plus

What international students need to know about studying in France

études en France

More and more foreign students are choosing France for their higher education. Studying in France not only allows you to discover the local culture, but also to obtain internationally recognized degrees and to benefit from a great work experience in Europe, which will be a major asset on your CV. Do I need to speak … Lire plus

Why learn French in Montpellier?

apprendre le francais a montpellier

You want to learn French in a fantastic university town. You want to study French in the south of France under the Mediterranean sun with a mild climate all year round. Enjoy an immersion stay in France. Learn French in Montpellier, in the south of France! A vibrant and exciting university city Montpellier is a … Lire plus