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Digital professions that are recruiting in France - Salemc

Digital professions that are recruiting in France

The digital sector is expanding, this is due to the digitalization that affects companies. As a result, new training courses are emerging for innovative jobs that are gradually taking hold. Digital is one of the fields that recruits the most, and this, on an international scale. Thus, from these digital transitions, new professions influence technologies, design and marketing. Discover 6 digital jobs that are recruiting in France.

1 – The project manager in France

He is responsible for mediating between the needs of a client and IT. He or she is in charge of writing the specifications to complete a project. For this digital job, the project manager must have organizational and managerial skills in order to lead his teams.

2 – The CRM manager

The CRM manager maintains the link between the company and its customers or prospects by setting up a customer relations program via a recruitment and loyalty program. After having identified the needs of the target, he/she will set up campaigns, while ensuring the follow-up of the latter to evaluate the relevance and the impact they will have on the different targets. His main mission is therefore to improve the company’s services and benefits in order to increase the loyalty rate.

3 – The traffic manager in France

The traffic manager sets up the different advertising campaigns on the most relevant advertising networks according to the company’s objectives. The advertising networks used can be Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Snapchat, Instagram, Linkedin etc. These web advertising campaigns must allow companies to meet their conversion objective. A conversion corresponds to an objective defined beforehand by the company and which can be the sale of products, the download of a brochure, a registration etc.

4 – The SEO manager

The SEO manager is in charge of optimizing a website on predefined keywords in order to improve its ranking on search engines.

To do this, the SEO manager intervenes on different aspects such as the optimization of content, site speed, essential SEO tags etc. His main objective is to acquire a more qualified traffic in order to increase the conversions generated via natural traffic.

5 – The webmaster in France

This job consists of maintaining and updating a website, his role is to develop content and animate the site in question. To do this, he will have to work closely with graphic designers or developers of a company or even with some external providers. This job requires a great versatility insofar as you can be brought to manage many tasks that join different trades. You may be required to do SEO, SEA or even community management. Everything depends on the size of the structure in which you evolve.

6 – The community manager

The community management is part of the digital jobs that are recruiting strongly in recent years. His/her duty is to animate and develop the loyalty of the communities on the different social networks of the company he/she works for. This translates into the creation of posts and exchanges with Internet users. He/she may also be required to create advertising campaigns mainly on social networks.

Digital jobs are not to be neglected, on the contrary, they are opportunities to seize because the demand is really present.