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Focus on 4 communication jobs in France - Salemc

Focus on 4 communication jobs in France

The role of communication professionals is to enhance the image of brands to different audiences. Nowadays, more and more companies are turning to them to develop their projects, because taking care of the image has become as important as selling products. Thus, to appeal to those who are able to meet these needs, the most important requirement now is that they have training.

Discover the qualities that are essential for some of the jobs in the sector.

The community manager

Among the communication jobs, we find the community manager, his role is to implement the communication strategy of a company on social networks, through the design of visuals, the writing of content, then the animation of user communities. He/she must be curious, have good writing skills, master social networks, and have graphic design skills.

Press Officer

The press officer is in charge of spreading the brand image and is in charge of writing press releases, press kits, and organizing professional events, such as press conferences. He/she must maintain a relationship with journalistic profiles, then with the media. They will also prepare daily press reviews for internal use. A good press officer profile is one who knows his or her company perfectly, who is rigorous, diplomatic, and has editorial skills.

Art Director

An art director is responsible for creating the visuals of a communication campaign, he is the one who will transform a message to be conveyed in the form of an image. Thus, his role is to design logos, models or packaging. To do this, he will set up projects for these purposes, then depending on the size of the company, he will lead a dedicated team. He will be asked to be creative, open-minded and flexible.


The copywriter is in charge of finding the catchphrases and slogans that will allow the formulation of an advertising campaign. They are therefore experts in words and can formulate catchphrases that are easily memorable and that get people talking. They also know how to adapt the message to the target audience. To do this job, you need to be creative and curious, and have a good command of French.